The Energy Materials Industrial
Research Initiative
Driving research, innovation and competitiveness across the advanced materials industry for the benefit of Clean and Sustainable Energy and Mobility
A Policy Paper on MAPs has been published, with the first discussions starting during an EMIRI workshop in 2022!
In June 2022, as a side event of the Indtech Conference in Grenoble, EMIRI organized the Workshop “Re-inventing Materials Research: Towards...
The Innovative Advanced Materials Initiative (IAM-I) has been officially launched!
Join now & help shape the future of advanced materials in Europe! IAM-I is the new non-profit Association that will operate the upcoming...
Commission opens the call for applications for the newly established Technology Council for Advanced Materials
On July 5th, the Commission launched a call for applications for members of the new Technology Council for Advanced Materials. This high-level group...
Focus areas



Solar Energy

Wind Energy

Low Carbon Industries

Light weighting mobility
