Title: AMI2030 contribution to the SRIA of the IM4EU partnership on advanced materials – Kick-Off
When? 21st of September, 10h – 13h CET
Where? Online
After the release of the Materials 2030 Roadmap and the Strategic Materials Agenda (SMA), you probably noticed the “Innovative Materials for EU (I’M4EU)” proposal in the list of 10 proposals for new candidate European Partnerships under Horizon Europe that the EC presented in July to Member States and Associated Countries.
Without waiting for a decision (expected by the end of 2024) on the final portfolio of additional European Partnerships, the AMI2030 core team, together with the working group chairs, is preparing the outline of the AMI2030 proposal for the SRIA of the “IM4EU” partnership and the best way to involve the AMI2030 community. All of this will be presented and discussed at the SRIA launch online event that will take place on September 21st, from 10h to 13h.
This is the preliminary agenda of the session:
We look forward to your contribution to this process. Register now!