2nd General Assembly with the participation of HE Cluster 4 & 5

EMIRI 2021 second General Assembly was held on December 2nd. We had the privilege of having with us two distinguished speakers from DG-RTD, Ms. Hélène Chraye, Head of Unit Clean Energy Transition (Directorate C – Clean Planet) and Ms. Sofie Norager, Deputy-Head...

Summary of the EMIRI TechTalk on Hydrogen (Nov 5)

On November 5th, EMIRI brought its TechTalks back! These are a great opportunity to get through a one-day session an overview of technologies, markets, policies and on-going R&I activities in the field of one of the clean energy areas EMIRI is focusing on.  Our...

LIPLANET – Open call for Experts!

The LiPLANET Network brings together European lithium battery cell production pilot lines to share competencies and to enhance the European cell manufacturing ecosystem. The Network is led by an Executive Board, assisted by an External Advisory Board. The Network’s...

The EMIRI Focus Group on Hydrogen has kicked-off!

8 Focus Groups (FG) are currently in the launching phase based on the key technology areas identified by the Initiative. These are: Batteries, Hydrogen, Solar Energy Harvesting, Wind Energy Harvesting, Low Carbon Industries, Light weighting for mobility, Buildings and...