- Start and end date: 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2021
- Overall budget: € 1 998 636,25
- Grant agreement No 875479
- Website: https://liplanet.eu/
The development of e-mobility and electric power sectors are strategic goals of the European Union. However, Europe still needs more efficient, high-performance Li-ion batteries as there is Asian dominance in this field. The EU must develop a competitive Li-on battery production value chain. The EU funded LiPLANET project aims to create an ecosystem for viable industrial scale manufacture of high-performance Li-ion cells. This will be achieved with a network of significant European Li-ion cell pilot lines and most important related entities. Their tasks will be to identify needs and assets, organise cooperation of scientists and industry, trainings and legal framework enabling pilot lines, as well as testing methods to form the production roadmap.
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