EMIRI’s session on advanced materials at the EU Industry Days 2022

On February 11, 2022, in the framework of the EU Industry Days, EMIRI organised the session ‘Advanced Materials, enabling the green and digital transition at the core of European Alliances for competitiveness, climate neutrality and sustainability’. This session,...

EMIRI joins the Clean Hydrogen Partnership Stakeholder Group

The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is a unique public private partnership supporting research and innovation (R&I) activities in hydrogen technologies in Europe that gathers the European Commission, fuel cell and hydrogen industries represented by Hydrogen Europe and...

Materials 2030 Manifesto, presented to Commissioner Mariya Gabriel

Research and industry joined forces to sign the Materials 2030 Manifesto that was presented on February 7th to the Commissioner Mariya Gabriel. This Manifesto underlines the key role that advanced materials will play in reaching Climate neutrality and sustainability....

2nd General Assembly with the participation of HE Cluster 4 & 5

EMIRI 2021 second General Assembly was held on December 2nd. We had the privilege of having with us two distinguished speakers from DG-RTD, Ms. Hélène Chraye, Head of Unit Clean Energy Transition (Directorate C – Clean Planet) and Ms. Sofie Norager, Deputy-Head...